Saturday, 26 February 2011

Spring again

Another sign of spring arriving in Wiltshire.  The Snowdrops and crocuses have been around for a few weeks but these are the first daffodils in our garden so far.


  1. Ah, spring at last and St. David's day is on it's way. Kay brought cold and rain as well as snow in the mountains. Thinking of sending her back!!!

  2. I get blamed for everything around here.

    MOTH and I just took a lovely walk, and I didn't see any sign of snow, saw lots of spring flowers, and as for the cold -- well, it's all in her head! I'll take California temps anyday!

  3. The sun was out here yesterday and it actually felt like Spring might be in with a chance. Nice photo.

  4. I wonder what qualifies as 'cold' is in California? I was amazed to see people wearing scarves and gloves when we English were walking about in our tee shirts in a similarly 'warm' country. I imagine Canadians find this too.
    Thanks MA-J, ain't digital cameras wonderful.

  5. Cold in California is anything below 65 degrees -- especially if there is a cold wind blowing.
